
کتاب «Orientations» از جمله کتاب‌های برگزیده از نگاه مصطفی ملکیان در زمینه‌یِ داستان‌ کوتاه است.


عنوان کتاب:‌ Orientations

نویسنده: Somerset Maugham

درباره‌ی کتاب Orientations

این مجموعه شامل شش داستان کوتاه است که با جزئیات برگرفته از اولین دوره‌ی طولانی زندگی موآم در خارج از کشور، نشان از مراحل اولیه‌ی رشد هنری نویسنده دارد. اینها برخی از اولین تلاشهای موآم برای نوشتن است و حتی در این نوشته‌های اولیه نیز میتوان شوخ طبعی و کنایه‌های موآم را دید. داستانهای این مجموعه مضامین اخلاقی دارند.

فهرست کتاب

The Punctiliousness of Don Sebastian
A Bad Example
De Amicitia
The Choice of Amyntas

بخشی از کتاب

Along a stony road we walked into the dark night, the wind blowing cold and bitter, and the clouds chasing one another across the sky. In front, I could see nothing but the porter hurrying along, bent down under the weight of my bag, and the wind blew icily. I buttoned up my coat. And then I regretted the warmth of the carriage, the comfort of my corner and my rug; I wished I had peacefully continued my journey to Madrid—I was on the verge of turning back as I heard the whistling of the train. I hesitated, but the porter hurried on, and fearing to lose him in the night, I sprang forwards. Then the puffing of the engine, and on the smoke the bright reflection of the furnace, and the train steamed away; like Abd-er-Rahman, I felt that I had flung my scabbard into the flames

Still the porter hurried on, bent down under the weight of my bag, and I saw no light in front of me to announce the approach to a town. On each side, bordering the road, were trees, and beyond them darkness. And great black clouds hastened after one another across the heavens. Then, as we walked along, we came to a rough stone cross, and lying on the steps before it was a woman with uplifted hands. And the wind blew bitter and keen, freezing the marrow of one’s bones

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